Protect yourself from outdoor light, UV rays and heat!
The Window Roller™ provides complete privacy in both directions! It completely blacks out your windows so no light can penetrate and gives you privacy.Idealfor people who are at home a lot during the day. Create a safe environment for you and your family and protect your belongings from the smear of sunlight!
High quality for the best protection
PVC fabric has been used to construct the blackout curtain, providing adurableproduct with a long service life. It is easy to maintain, and it protects againstUV raysand reduces the effects of outside heat.

Easy to hang and attach
The Window Roller™ is attached with a suction cup, so there are no stickers or adhesives that could damage the glass. It'scompactandlightweight, so you can store it easily. Sun protection for windows, balcony doors, pitched roofs or patio covers, bedrooms, children's rooms, offices and many other uses!
Color: Black
Dimensions: 40x125cm / 45x125cm / 50x125cm / 58x125cm

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